
Finding the Law of the Micro-States and Small Jurisdictions of Europe

Online guide, written by Andrew Grossman who is a retired U.S. Foreign Service Officer, to finding sources of primary and secondary law for “small jurisdictions” of Europe -defined as “political entities having a population under one million persons”. The guide was published in 2024 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives links to academic works on micro-states and to law libraries that hold printed materials on these jurisdictions.


JURN is a database providing access to free full text articles, chapters, books and university repositories, covering a wide range of academic subjects including law. JURN was created and is curated and maintained by David Haden, a British teacher with twelve years of experience. The site has a directory of the journals included on JURN and a blog dating back to 2009 when the database started. FAQs provide guidance on searching and information on the resources covered.

World Prison Brief

Website of World Prison Brief a database providing free access to information on prison systems around the world. The resource is part of the Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research’s (Birkbeck, University of London) World Prison Research Programme. Information is arranged by country and includes contact details of the government department responsible for prisons, figures for the prison population, the percentage of female, foreign and juvenile prisoners and prison population trends.

EPLex Employment Protection Legislation Database

EPLex is an International Labour Organization (ILO) resource that provides information on employment termination legislation in the various ILO member states. Legislation can be browsed by country and is usually provided in the original language. The information is also broken down and aspects such as employment contracts, substantive requirements for dismissal, severance and redundancy payments can also be browsed by country. An advanced search option is also available.

Global Database on Occupational Safety and Health Legislation (LEGOSH)

This International Labour Organization (ILO) database brings together occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation and regulatory frameworks from around the world. The database can be browsed by country or searched by keyword. The information is arranged by themes eg. regulatory framework, OSH inspection and enforcement of legislation, employers’ duties and responsibilities and specific hazards or risks. Full-text legislation is linked to via the ILO’s database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation (NATLEX), usually in the original language.

Locating Foreign Civil Codes

Online guide to researching foreign civil codes written by Lyonette Louis-Jacques who is Foreign and International Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago Law School D'Angelo Law Library. The guide was published in August 2016 on LLRX.com. The author explains what a civil code is and provides information on various finding tools to help the legal researcher identify civil codes and guidance on how to use them. The guide refers to both free and subscription sites.


Free database of constitutions from around the world, provided by the Comparative Constitutions Project, which is based at the University of Texas at Austin. At the time of writing, the database contained the constitution that was in force in September 2013 for almost every independent state. Constitutional documents for countries that do not have a single written constitution are not yet available, but will be added, as will historical verisons of constitutions. The Constitute database can be browsed by topic or country, or searched by key word.

WorldLII: Military Law

Subject section of WorldLII (the World Legal Information Institute) providing annotated links to military law resources. These resources include commentaries, law journals, research centres, inter-governmental organisations and treaties and international agreements. There are also links to military law resources organised by country.

Wales legislation

The Legislation.gov.uk website brings together the legislation held on the OPSI website and revised legislation from the Statute Law Database. The site is hosted by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government. This part of the site provides access to Welsh legislation including Measures of the National Assembly for Wales (2008 onwards) and Wales Statutory Instruments (1999 onwards). These can be browsed or searched separately. Legislation which may apply to Wales such as UK Public General Acts and UK Statutory Instruments are also available.

Planning Inspectorate (Wales)

Website of the Planning Inspectorate for Wales. This organisation is responsible for the processing of planning and enforcement appeals and holding inquiries into local development plans. The site has information on how to make an appeal and sections dealing with the different types of appeals that can be made. These include planning appeals, high hedges appeals, listed buildings, rights of way, enforcement appeals and access appeals. Forms relating to planning appeals in Wales can be downloaded from the site and there is a page of planning web links.

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