Government Policy

LSE Library

Website of the London School of Economics (LSE) Library, otherwise known as the British Library of Political and Economic Science. The Library's collections of social science materials are of recognised national and international importance. They cover politics, economics, sociology, anthropology, government and social policy, worldwide, from before the 19th Century to the present day. The LSE website provides access to the Library's catalogue as well as information about services, collections and facilities.

Center for the Study of Democracy

The Center for the Study of Democracy is an independent, interdisciplinary institute which aims to foster democracy and reform in Bulgaria. Its website includes links to current projects, publications, and papers (some in Bulgarian, some in English), covering Law, Europe, Economy, Judicial Reform, Corporate Governance, and Book Donation. There is a section about Vitosha Research, which covers the market, social, political, advertising and media issues. There is also a 'News and Events' section, covering current activities of the centre, and a section profiling centre staff.

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