European Union - public administration

General Report on the Activities of the European Union

This website provides access to the full text of all the official EU annual reports from 1997 to date, giving an overview of all EU activities and policy. Topics covered include: European integration, progress towards European Union enlargement, finance and budgets, the work of individual institutions such as the European Commission, the development of EU law, the work of the intergovernmental conference and progress in the field of human rights. There is a search facility covering the full text of all the reports from 2003 onwards.

European Parliament Fact Sheets

The European Parliament's website, Europarl, provides access to a collection of basic fact sheets for members of the public about the history, current organisation and policies of the European Union. The fact sheets are grouped under six main headings: How the European Community Words, Citizens' Europe, The Internal Market, Common Policies, Economic and Monetary Union and The Union's External Relations.


The EUobserver is an independent EU news service published by Professional users have to pay for a licence but it is free for private use on a home computer. There is a pay-per-view facility for premium content. The site contains reports written in-house on topical and specialised issues. The subjects covered are Political Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Economic Affairs, Social Affairs, Justice & Home Affairs, Defence, Enlargement and Institutional Affairs. Users can subscribe to a daily, twice-daily or weekly email newsletter.

European Parliament and the IGC 2000

This site was created by the European Parliament to provide information on its involvement in the Inter-Governmental Conference 2000, which paved the way for alterations to EU treaties so that new member states could join. In addition to archived news releases, it includes an overview of how EU treaties are revised and the role in this of the European Parliament. It also provides access to numerous full-text documents produced by the Parliament on this issue; they include parliamentary committee reports, resolutions, debates and speeches.

Netherlands Institute of International Relations

The Netherlands Institute of International Relations, sometimes known as Clingendael, is an independent research body which specialises in work relating to conflict, international organisations, the European Union, NATO and the United Nations. Its website provides access to information on its purpose and current research. It includes research reports on all aspects of international conflict and security worldwide and access to the Institute's library catalogue. All information is available in English.

One Europe or Several? The Dynamics of Change Across Europe

This is the website of an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) programme which studied several areas of change and development within contemporary Europe. It ended in 2003. The programme aimed to examine " ... contemporary processes of political, security, economic, social and cultural change across the European continent, notably in relation to influences on convergence and divergence within and between European countries and prospects for integration and fragmentation." One Europe or Several?

Historical Archives of the European Union

Website of the Historical Archives of the European Union, which is based at the European University Institute in Italy. It consists substantially of bibliographic references to official documents produced by the major EU/EC institutions, including: the European Economic Community, the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, the Council of Ministers, the European Commission and the European Parliament. Despite its name, however, it also covers archives relating to non-EU/EC bodies and archives acquired from individuals.

European Union Intellectual Property Office

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), formerly the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), is the EU body ressponsible for the uniform protection of trade marks and industrial designs. It maintains registers of trademarks and designs and has a role in the prosecution of infringements. The EUIPO website covers the legal framework and the remit of the Office and its Boards of Appeal, as well as an online registration facility, databases, publications, news and more.

European Commission Press Release Database

The European Commission Press Release Database (sometimes known as Rapid) contains press releases, factsheets and other bulletins issued by the European Commission, as well as press releases from the Council of the EU, the Court of Justice and some other EU institutions (but not the European Parliament). It is managed by the Communication department of the European Commission. It includes all Commission press releases since 1985. The content is accessible without registration and RSS feeds are also available to all users.

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