England and Wales

Women Lawyers Division

The Women Lawyers’ Division (WLD) is a Law Society group which supports and advises women solicitors in England and Wales, whether or not they are currently practising. The WLD site provides news, advice, feature articles, interviews with women lawyers and details of training events. The Division has an electronic newsletter, for which it is possible to register on the site. In 2013 the WLD absorbed the Association of Women Solcitors (AWS); there is a short history of the AWS on the website.


Hardwicke is a London-based barristers’ chambers covering many areas of civil, family and public law. Its website has a Resources section which provides case summaries, articles, legal news and two calculation tools for lawyers: a Rent Arrears & Mesne Profits Calculator and a Simple Interest Calculator. There are also sections of the site covering Hardwicke’s work in the fields of commercial law, insurance law, public law and property and private client law.

Arden Chambers

London-based barristers’ chambers specialising in housing, local government and property law. The Arden Chambers website has an ‘information centre’ section which provides legal news (‘eflashes’) regarding these areas of law; articles and briefings by Arden barristers; responses to government consultations; and other resources.

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