Air Law


The Aviation.EU website provides free access to aviation information from international, European and national legal sources. Details are given for international treaties and cases, European directives, regulations and cases and other documentation. Links to national legal materials are also given for a range of jurisdictions. The site is edited by legal academics at the University of Southampton and aimed at practitioners, students and researchers and anyone interested in aviation law.

European Air Law Association (EALA)

The European Air Law Association (EALA) is a membership body concerned with the study and development of air law in Europe. Members are drawn from academics, industry professionals (airlines, aerospace manufacturers etc.) and national and EU officials. EALA holds regular conferences and seminars focusing on issues relating to all aspects of the air transport sector. Information on events and details of committee members are provided on the site.


Website of Aviation an online directory of aviation lawyers in the United States. The site is part of ExpertHub which provides directories for a range of professions The directory is not browsable but enables users to email aviation lawyers in their area. The site includes free articles on aviation law covering aviation accidents, airport complaints, aircraft licences and aviation injury claims.Users can post questions and comments on the site and there is a glossary of aviation law terms.

Air Safety Support International

The website of the Air Safety Support International (ASSI) is an online information resource that aims to provide information about the organisation's role and activities within the framework of civil aviation regulation in the UK Overseas Territories (OTs). As a subsidiary company of the UK Civil Aviation Authority, ASSI's role is to assist and support existing civil aviation authorities in their safety regulation in these territories. A page with a listing of the OTs is provided with links to their websites.


EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental organisation with more than 40 member states. Its website gives an overview of the organisation's role in Europe's air traffic management and safety strategies, covering both civil and military operations.

International Civil Aviation Organization: Treaty Collection

Treaty information compiled by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and made available on its website. Includes the DAGMAR database of aeronautical agreements and arrangements (bilateral and multilateral) registered with ICAO. DAGMAR gives title, date of signature, parties and other details of each treaty, but not the text of the treaty itself. The Treaty Collection also provides lists of party and status information for multilateral air agreements, the text of recent treaties, ICAO Assembly resolutions relating to treaty ratification and other information.

International Institute of Air and Space Law

Website of the International Institute of Air and Space Law, which is based at Leiden University in the Netherlands. The institute's work includes teaching at graduate and post-graduate level, conducting research and providing advice and information to governments, international organisations and airlines. Its website includes information about the work of the Institute, the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group and the International Air Law Moot Court.

Annals of Air and Space Law

Web pages of the journal Annals of Air and Space Law, published since 1976 by the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Contents pages are available for every volume and an index covering the period 1982 to 2008 is also provided. Details of the editorial board, requirements for submissions and information about subscriptions can also be found on the site.

Transatlantic turbulence: the European Union and United States debate over passenger data

Guide to the legal issues surrounding passenger data by Irfan Tukdi, updated by Sabrina Sondhi, Director of the H. Laddie Montague, Jr. Law Library at Penn State Dickinson Law. Published on New York University's Globalex website, it gives background information to the US anti-terrorism legislation passed following the 9/11 terror attacks, including the Patriot Act, the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act (ATSSSA) and the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA).

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