
Grand National Assembly of Türkiye

The Grand National Assembly's website has information in English and Turkish on the law-making process in Turkey, including introduction of bills, committee deliberation, budgetary process, ratification of international treaties and publication of laws. It also provides English translations of key documents including the Constitution of the Republic of Türkiye and the assembly's  Rules of Procedure. Content in Turkish only includes the verbatim report of proceedings, a legislation database and a database of assembly resolutions. 

Ínsan Haklarí Hukuku Uygulama ve Arastirma Merkezi

The Human Rights Law Research Centre was established at Istanbul Bilgi University in 2000 to develop and promote awareness of human rights law in Turkey and internationally. The website has information about its events, courses and projects. The Publications section provides the Centre's reports (in Turkish), together with details of books from Bilgi University's  Human Rights Law Studies series and books related to the Centre's projects. The site is in Turkish and English, with some content in Turkish only.

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